Monday, January 19, 2009


So I'm watching the news and reading magazines, and it's all about Barack Obama. I don't have a problem with that. He got himself elected 44th President of the US, no small feat.
Old friends want to have lunch, new friends want to meet with him, world leaders calling on the phone. He's the center of attention. Whether it's to see what they can get, or to see what they can do to help, all eyes are on the man-of-the-hour.
Of course, he has enemies. He's young, black, intelligent, and reasonably good-looking. He wants to do things a little differently. Change is the word. Either one of those will get you some enemies.
My point is this; Barack Obama, whether you like him or not, has what the dictionary calls fame. Fame is a reputation, a following, a magnetism. For whatever reason, good or bad, people are drawn to him. He has the attention of the masses.
2000 years ago, another young man of color, with different views, attracted the attention of the masses. Matthew 4 talks about how the fame of Jesus spread abroad, and the people flocked to Him. Matthew 14 talks about how even Herod heard about Jesus and wanted to see Him.
There was something about this young man from Nazareth. People hung on every word. They marveled at the way He carried himself. They were in awe of the things He did. Jesus was talking about change too. He introduced Grace into the picture, and Salvation by Faith.
Of course, He had enemies. Any of the above mentioned things will get you enemies. His enemies killed him.
No I'm not trying to say that Barack Obama is our new savior. Jesus is the only savior. And I certainly hope that Obama's enemies don't do to him what they did to Jesus.
But wouldn't it be nice if the people of God were as excited about Jesus as people are about Barack Obama. Wouldn't it be nice if his name was on everybody's lips. Wouldn't it be nice if JESUS became famous once again.
I'm not going to tell you that I know how to do that. I just have a burning desire to see it happen.
What do you think?????

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