Monday, January 12, 2009

Presidential Inauguration

I was reading an article about Pres-elect Obama asking Rick Warren to do the invocation at his inauguration. Man, did that turn into a brouhaha. The gay/lesbians are mad at Obama for asking a Christian who preaches against homosexuality, gay marriage, and abortion, and a lot of Christians are mad a Rick Warren for accepting the invite.

Wow! Two things just jump out at me from this.:
1: I think Rick Warren did a good thing by accepting the invite. I would have accepted it. Just think, there will probably be 2-4 million people there, not counting those who watch by TV. Many of those people will be of the gay/lesbian persuasion. Rick Warren has a golden opportunity to speak the name of Jesus.
2: I think President-elect Obama is trying to do what he promised during the election, that is bring the country together. He's brought some of his enemies into the administration, he's talking to Republicans and taking their advice, and now he's asked a pro-life Christian to do the invocation at his inauguration. Those folks that are mad at Rick Warren obviously haven't thought it through. We're suppose to hate the sin, but love the sinner.

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