Thursday, December 25, 2008


Wife and I went over to see our newest grandchild "Sophie" the other day. She is so beautiful. I can't figure out who she looks more like though.Anyway we were holding her and squeezing her, and all the things grandparents do. All the while, her 2 year old brother who is "no longer the baby" was running from person to person getting up in our laps and hugging us. When that didn't work, he started making all kinds of noises. He was trying to get our attention. He was saying "Hey, have you forgotten me"?And I'm thinking, how many times has God done that in my life? How many times have I let things, people, or just stuff get between us. how many times has he become "no longer God".I've been a Christian since '77, so you count the years. I am not superchristian, so there have been more than a few times when God has run to me, and even made noises in my ear "hey, have you forgotten me"?Exodus 34:14 says that God is a jealous God. He wants to be God. He doesn't want to be second best in our lives. The challenge today, in this Christmas season, and all the time, is to let him be God in your life.

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