Monday, November 24, 2008

Pray for the President-Elect

I have a new blog, and I hope you will all take the time to read it. I don't claim to know everything or to be a spiritual superman, but I do live in the Favor of God and He shares His wisdom with me when I take the time to listen!

President-Elect Obama has spent the last few days introducing his new economic team; along with that, he has named a few of his staff members and some cabinet members. Some of these people are new faces to most of us, and some of them carry baggage from other administrations. Already the criticisms and the complaining has begun. Folks I didn't vote for the man. I'm probably not going to agree with everything he does, but I have made up my mind to do this. I am going to pray for him and the people he chooses to lead with him. The book of 1 Timothy (2:1-2) directs us to pray for those set in authority over us.


jdavisrn said...

Great advice, Paul. Like yourself, I did not vote for Obama, but he is going to be our president. As an American, and more importantly, a Christian, I know it is my duty to pray for those who are in authority. If we spend only half the time praying that we do complaining, just think of the difference we could see!

Cindy said...